The Phonons

The Phonons


The Phonons is a collaboration between Siem Nozza & Jurgen Winkel (SONICrider) creating live ambient with a noisy and experimental root. 

March 2019: as a preparation for an upcoming performance Siem and Jurgen met in the SONICriderSTUDIO where they talked a bit, fired up their instruments and pushed the record button…. The result a 45 minutes “when ambiance meets noise” journey called “Pulsar” a great starting point for the live performance “Falling Upwards”.

In the meantime The Phonons played live and recordings are rare. Check our webpage for more music.

Some of the gear used:

- Bass Guitar

- Bass FX’s

- Modular gear (Moog, g0, LFO’s, Z-DSP)

- Koma fieldkit & FX, DIY controllers (string, pendulum, rotator)

“Pulsar” is a stereo live recording, mastered slightly with Softube Console 1 (SSL 4000).

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